My Goals

I’m donating 10% of my profits to: Humane Animal Shelters and Cat Rescuers

What I've Learned
I have learned a buncha' things ever since i launched it, and also rehashed some lost information in my brain.
✣I cannot believe computer class was useful. I used to do some business classes a year ago. My class and I learnt what it takes to start a business including brainstorming ideas, making a logo, one-upping competitors, making biographies, business cards and logos, all that jazz. I never knew that Cat Cuts and Fox Felts would become like this. Though I probably have learned these all previously, I still kinda needed a refresher. Kudos to my computer class teacher.
✣Prepare everything! I now need to cut 20 pages worth of stickers! And since I do not have a cutter, I need to do it all by hand for an order. Everyone likes buying it in bulk, somehow,,, Although I have plenty on time on my hands, it helps to have a whole stock in hand and to not underestimate your buyers.
✣Ask for help if needed! If your hands are too full and stuff, ask a person to help take over! Sure, they might ask for your money, but sometimes if you have full orders you need a hand for that. Be specific on what you want them to do if you want to be sure. But remember, just give them a bare minimum and don't give them all your work you were supposed to do, and it'll be alright.
✣ Use time wisely! I am not very good at managing my time, but a business also takes a lot of time in your schedule. Some examples could be (in my case): drawing designs for new products, cutting stickers up, and dropping them off to ship. It is very helpful to always write down what you need to do and practice time management skills to avoid cramming or other stressful stuff in my opinion.
✣Have fun with it! I chose this one specifically because 1) I draw cats pretty good if you ask me 2) It would help me tone my art skills as a whole if I draw consistently and experiment with designs and 3) I just really want to do what I want to do. I have rather strong feelings with art in general and it really makes me happy that I am doing this. It's alright to have worries, and it may be slow at times, but if you vibe with your stuffs entirely and have the coolest times with it that's at least a good start.
‼️✣Also I got an Instagram for the shop (@cats_ncrafts)! I share my thoughts on my products, but plan to put either sneak peeks, behind the scenes stuff, showcasing, and announcements for the store! It's a bit bare-bones since it just got created, so mind that.
(there also may or may not be a coupon on my bio ?)