Episode 119: Emily Fletcher


Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva Meditation and the leading expert in meditation for extraordinary performance. Her book Stress Less, Accomplish More debuted at #7 out of all books on Amazon. The New York Times, The Today Show, Vogue and ABC News have all featured Emily’s work. She’s been named one of the top 100 women in wellness to watch, has taught more than 20,000 students around the world and has spoken on meditation for performance at Apple, Google, Harvard Business School and Barclays Bank. Ziva graduates include Oscar, Grammy, Tony & Emmy award winners, NBA players, Navy SEALs, Fortune 500 CEOs, busy parents and social entrepreneurs.


0:46 Scott introduces Emily.

2:18 Emily gives her introduction about character.

5:44 Scott talks about the issues we have right now and how Emily can give insight about this.

8:38 Emily talks about some tips for families.

13:12 Scott talks about the thought of being in a “hurry”‘

15:22 Emily differentiates hurry and busy.

19:31 Emily talks about what meditation can do to our body and how it affects our daily living.

28:05 What people think about meditation nowadays according to Scott.

30:15 Emily talks about Ziva and therapy.

33:46 Scott wraps up the conversation.


EF 0:06
We all assume that whatever the monks are doing must be the really powerful stuff. Like, oh, the monks are the ones, right? They’re like vibrating and levitating. Yeah, actually the other way around. Monks can meditate all day. They don’t have kids, they don’t have jobs, their contribution to society is to sit in silence. They’re purifying consciousness in a different way. For people like us entrepreneurs with kids, we have less time in the day with which to meditate. So you actually want a technique, a tool that is more powerful, a tool that’s going to help you change your state of consciousness, do you excite your nervous system very effectively and very efficiently? So that you can show up as the most amazing version of you. So you can be a better parent, a better entrepreneur, a better lover, a better writer, whatever it is you’re doing in the world.

SD 0:46
All right. Welcome, everybody to another episode of the podcast. We are simulcasting over many different podcasts to a bunch of folks today because we have a very special guest, Mrs. Emily Fletcher Emily, welcome.

Unknown Speaker 1:02

EF 1:03
So happy to be here.

SD 1:04
I can’t wait to introduce you. Because a lot of people are gonna love today’s recording, we are talking about meditation, meditation, not just for families, and parents, and CEOs. But for kids as well and why this supreme performance mental state is so crucial for people. So for everyone listening, Emily is the founder of Ziva meditation. She has coached over 40,000 people now, in counting, I don’t even know how many since we last talked in meditation. She’s one of the world’s foremost minds on meditation, she spent 10 years on Broadway but right 10 years, okay, 10 years on Broadway. She’s also an author of the best selling books, stress less accomplished more. Not only does she work with some of the top leaders in the world, going through her meditation program, which we’re going to give you all access to today, so stay tuned. But also, she helps kids and families all throughout the country and the world learn about meditation. She’s working with Sesame Street, right now to learn about a new character through meditation. So Emily, tell us who that character is real quick, cuz I know everyone wants to know.

EF 2:18
So it’s a bit of a, like, you heard it here, first skin. So we’ve been working on this for two years, as you said writers and puppeteers and creators from Sesame Street, when working with child psychologist from Harvard, basically to make the world’s best mental resilience training for kids out there. And once I became a mom, I was like, there’s just nothing out there that I feel like is really teaching at the level that I want, like the power of the techniques, but as entertaining as I would want to have for me or my son. And so we were like, okay, fine, let’s just do it. Because any entrepreneur is like, here’s a problem that hasn’t been solved. So okay, I guess I’ll solve it. And it’s just we shot a kind like a Netflix episode where it’s just like as entertaining as possible. So my co host, his name is Zee bunny. And he’s so funny. He’s so great. He’s Ebony’s training to be a superhero, which I’m sure you can relate to, because you’re about to go on your 100 day challenge to become a superhero. Yep. And most of us are interested in becoming the best version of ourselves, kids included. And I think that so oftentimes, when teachers or schools or parents talk about meditation to kids, it’s like, oh, there’s something wrong with you, you have anxiety, you have to fix that you’re stressed, you need to fix that you have, you know, you’re getting nervous before your tests need to fix that. And no one wants to feel like they need to be fixed. And reality is our kids are already perfect, right? Like they’re born with all of these beautiful, innate qualities. It’s usually our stress and our programming, that messes them up and stresses them out. So it was easy to kids, we just made it as entertaining as possible. But we put these scientifically, you know, tried and true techniques that I’ve been teaching for 10 years that work so well for high performing adults. And we translated it into a kids program today. It’s called the two kids z bunnies. Amazing. It’s for ages four to 14 year olds, with two separate courses, actually, four to eight. Okay, on to 14. Yeah, that’s great.

SD 4:06
Okay, and I’m gonna put this out here now, we’ll put it in all of our show notes for everybody but Ziva meditation, so z i, va meditation.com. Slash kids, is where all of you families listening, I know there’s going to be countless 10s of 1000s of families right away listening this thing, you’ve got to go over there and check this out. They have a setup for kids to understand meditation from zero to 100. And they said there’s two levels. And then in addition, we’re going to be giving out a parent starter kit for meditation, which is zero meditation.com slash preview. And you’re going to be given everybody, three free days to start for their meditation,

EF 4:48
right? So because here’s the thing, if you want your kids to meditate, guess what? You’re likely going to need to meditate. Right? Because it’s like they do as we do not, as we say, right? If you really stressed If you’re super busy, if you’re not managing your emotions or anxiety, well, they’re going to model that behavior. And so if you start now, if you start a meditation practice for yourself now, and then they see you changing, they see Oh, mommy’s a lot happier now that he’s a lot nicer when he does this meditation thing. And then you have experience you can help guide them through, it’s like the Suzuki method, or the can Suzuki method learning violin, you, your kid can’t even pick up the violin until the parent has learned to play at least one song, because you want to know how challenging it is you want to be able to be their guide. And the same is really true with meditation, you’re going to be a much better guide, if you know what it is yourself. Yeah. So anyway, I would like to gift everyone the first three days of our most popular training. And that’s going to be a great way to get people started.

SD 5:44
I love it. I love it. And I want to get that away early. Because a lot of people are listening, they’re literally going to be going straight there. Because this is so powerful. And I think the reason why I wanted to have you on is I have struggled with meditation my whole life. mental wellness is, I would say the biggest need in our world, especially in the year that we’ve had. But in the in the world that we find ourselves in. You know, I work with over three and a half million kids now through the last 10 years at apex. And now we’re helping kids launch businesses with my first sale. And you know, now we have the biotech company that all we care about is mental health. We’ve seen more noise, more stress, more depression, more mental issues with kids coming up that like you just said start out perfect. And then what the heck, they get all these crazy things that happen to them. And we want to train kids to be more resilient to have this mental wellness to have this health. And so that’s why I love having you on this. And I want to hear today just have a discussion about families and families mental health, I grew up in I would say a stressful, I love my family to death, and you’re all listening. But in my family, if we weren’t arguing about politics, or economics, or religion, or something crazy over dinner, it wasn’t successful. And it wasn’t like a great dinner. And we were just a very like stressed family. Yeah, debating, you know, and that in a way that can help grow you. And then in a way that creates a lot of stress. And then I would go to my neighbor, my neighbor’s house. And their house was like the most Zen house. It was like, peace and quiet. And he’s like six kids. And they were just relaxed. And it was what is going on here. And the dad was a counselor. And the mom helped teach meditation. And, and I just remember thinking, like, Look, and I and I love my family. I mean, my family created me and I’m a serial entrepreneur, helping millions of people. I’m not mad about the way I grew up. I just know, one of my biggest weaknesses in my life has been being centered, having peace having a good rhythms of meditation, good ways to deal with stress. And so my biggest question is, do you have like, what is the first thing that comes to mind for families that have young kids that are stressed, whether they’re not sleeping, or their school homework, cooking, cleaning work errands, like they’re overwhelmed? I don’t know anybody my age with young kids that isn’t overwhelmed to a degree. Okay, what are some tips that come to mind? Right off the gates for those families?

EF 8:38
Yeah, thank you so much for asking this because I was just thinking about it today. Like, even if you’re working from home, right, which most people are, like, for me as a mom, like just that one shift. Forget about everything else, the economy, the pandemic, the election, the social revolution, forget about all the other external factors, just that one ship, I’m now working from home wares, I used to go to my studio and meet my team in person. And now my son, I mean, I have the privilege of having a nanny. So I have a nanny, but my son is here. He’s not in school. And so because I love my son so much, I want to be with him basically every second of every hour of every day. It’s like having the most delicious chocolate cake right next to my face and being like, don’t eat the cake, don’t eat the cake, don’t eat the cake during the gig. And that requires an extraordinary amount of willpower. And that burns up a lot of mental cycles, right? Like to just do a live stream to answer an email to forget about writing a book, like my book proposal is just on pause, because there’s no way I’m going to go into four hours of writing time. That’s not deadline dependent when I could be playing with my adorable toddler in the living room.

SD 9:37
Right? Exactly. Same

EF 9:40
boat, just that little shimmy seems little but the ripple effect of that on your productivity is is that’s a demand that’s a legitimate and that’s an easy one. Right? That’s like I know I have a job, right? People who are losing their jobs school starting it’s not starting, you know, kids wearing masks and not being able to see each other’s faces, you know, just We’re literally in fight or fight as a society, you know, dealing with the pandemic has put us into, like, oh, here’s this potentially life threatening thing. You know, wherever you are, politically, that still kicks off a response if you’re around other people who are in fight or flight that’s gonna put you into fight or flight. And so we have to just acknowledge the other pandemic that is happening here. Yeah, this is a mental health one, the effect of loneliness, the effect of stress and anxiety. And, you know, I think, again, even though all of this is true, right, like all of the external factors are shifting, the stress is very real. I still think that the wisest way to talk about this with children is very much moving towards the positive, like, Hey, you love soccer? Guess what, here’s this mental tool that’s going to help you be a better soccer player, you’re into cheerleading great, guess what’s going to make you a better cheerleader? Getting your mind, right. Oh, you love school, you want to ace this test? Guess what, I have some techniques there to help you nail this test. And so that’s why so the bunny is actually training to be a superhero. And every day, he has a different challenge, a different obstacle. And then he comes to me, and I teach him either mindfulness, meditation or manifesting. And then he uses that tool, and he’s able to overcome the obstacle. And by the end of it, he’s a full blown superhero. But the really important concept here is that each day, he’s using these tools to unlock the superpowers that are already inside of him. And I think that this is a really important point to make with our children is that, again, they’re already perfect. They already have bravery and creativity and kindness inside of them, it’s just a matter of helping them to unlock it by peeling away the stress and anxiety. So that would be thing one, the thing too, I would say to parents and families that are dealing with so so much, is know that this is gonna be a hard pill to swallow. So stay with me. But likely, the number one thing impacting your children’s stress, is you. If you’re stressed, there’s no way your kids don’t feel it. They’re so energetically sensitive, they feel our stress before we do. And here’s the other thing to know about kids. They are narcissistic by nature. Okay, they have to think that the world revolves around them. This is a survival mechanism. And so if you’re angry, they are internalizing that they are asking the question, what did I do to make that angry? If mommy sad, they’re like, what did I do to make mommy sad. And so this is not to stress out parents more, but it is to be a real kick in the pants to say, we as adults, we as parents have to take accountability for our own mental state. And know that there’s a ripple effect of that, just like if you’re sick, you can get your whole house sick. Well guess what if you’re stressed, it’s also a communicable disease. And so it’s really important that we start to see that it’s not selfish to meditate. And especially as moms, I can speak for myself. As a woman. It’s very easy to put everybody else’s needs above our own. Let me make take care my partner, let me take care of my kids, my care of my employees. But if I’m a mess, if I’m running on empty, if I’m coming into my board meetings, stressed out and frazzled if I’m not present with my son, what am I doing? Right, right. Like your kids want you happy your partner wants you relax, your employees want you calm. And so again, it all starts right here.

SD 13:12
Yeah, man, that’s, that’s amazing. I was just talking about, I went to dinner with a couple friends a couple nights ago with my wife. And there’s a book that just came out what is it called? It’s about hurry. Okay. It’s ruthless. ruthless prioritization against Hurry, I believe is the name of the book. Well, and and this idea of hurry is when you you’re being short with somebody, or you’re looking right past somebody in a meeting or a call because you’re trying to get done. If you short fuse, if you’re just like, if you’re at the edge, you know, you are in hurry it buisiness is normally a normal thing. Like you have tasks, we all have things to do in our lives, we’re not just going to sit and be monks in the mountains. But hurry is when you kind of fall off the edge. Like it’s okay to be doing things and to work hard. And but but when you’ve lost the ability to be present, the ability to care about someone else in that moment, the ability to feel what’s going on your body so that you aren’t passing on the baton of whatever that stress is or that anger or that fear. That is hurry. And so it’s this ruthless prioritization against hurry. So how can we as families and as you know, entrepreneurs, as you know, hard charging biohackers whoever’s all these people listening? How can you be ruthless against things in your life that cause Hurry, right? Not enough margin, not the right rhythms, you know, a morning routine we were talking about earlier, those things cause hurry. And so I think a great way to think about this is hurry is like, it’s like when there’s bumper to bumper traffic. And you’re just you ever felt That feeling when there’s bumper to bumper traffic, and you have somewhere to be. That’s, that’s what happens when you’re in hurry mode. Right and you’re you it does trigger the fight or flight, it does trigger a lot of stress, lactic acid, all these different things in the body that affect you. And so that’s those are two really, really good tips of information for families

EF 15:22
to be differentiating between busy and hurry because like we’re all busy, we all have stuff to do. But I love that like when you’re getting into hurry rushing past the person, that thing not present, not listening to your own feelings, if that’s really the thing to avoid. And that’s a powerful distinction. And actually, I can share a few tips like easy techniques to people utilize right now for themselves and for their kids. So the first is something called the two x breath. It’s ridiculously simple, but it’s also powerful enough to stop an anxiety attack in its tracks. And you can use this for adults or for kids. It’s so simple, all you do is you inhale through the nose for the count of two, and you exhale through your mouth for the count of four. Let’s just do it a few times together, inhaling through the nose for two and exhaling through your mouth for four. We’ll do just a few more inhaling for to what we’re doing. As we exhale for four hours, we’re doubling the length of the exhale, which helps to calm and to ease the Vegas nerve, which is the superhighway between the brain and body. One final inhale, breathing space around the belly space around the heart. And this time, as you exhale, feeling your brow soften your shoulders, drop your jaw, soften your belly, relax, all the way down to empty. Yeah, they get a night and let your breath just be breathed, the breath just flowing in and out like water lapping off of the shower. You’re not muscling it or efforting it and there’s two x breath is so simple. It’s so powerful. But if you are having a panic attack or an anxiety attack, you don’t have a lot of mental space or something complicated, right? You don’t know what’s the thing and up and the down and the chance and the it’s like nope, just feel my feet on the ground. And for to outperform you could even do it while walking. So if you were like walking your kid to or from school or in the park, you’d be like, hey, let’s try something you could even make it a game. Let’s go in for two steps. And out for four steps in for two steps out for four steps. I think anytime we gamify something, it’s more fun for kids. Also, I was talking to my barber yesterday. And she’s an expert in like rituals and ceremony. She studied all different rituals from different civilizations around the world. And, and she said the kids actually really love rituals. And this is when she just taught me yesterday, I think it’s cool to share is that I mean, depending I’d say maybe around three or four ish, you can introduce this concept to your kid at the bath, you could take all your troubles and all your cares and all your worries, and you can put them into the bath. And as the water goes down the drain, all your cares and worries and troubles are washing down the drain so that every day the bath becomes a bit of a ritual. So just like you’re cleaning your body, you’re also cleaning off your psyche and your emotions. And I thought that was a really cool, like, I love that. Yeah, for something you’re doing already.

SD 18:03
I love that. Wow. I Okay, so here’s another one that I loved. This is one of my favorites is putting your palms up. And then for about 10 seconds, you squeeze your palms slowly harder and harder. And you’re putting all your worries of the day in it. All your frustrations or fears or things that keep coming to your mind and stressors, things you haven’t let go of. They’re being held on to eight 910. And so now you have a very tight grip on all those things. And then you turn your palms down and you let go. And it all just drops. That is that it’s the same mental rhythm of letting go washing it down the drain for your kids doing a it’s a it’s just a dump right for your hands. And people think oh, this is this is crazy stuff. I’m fine. Well, no it actually because your brain runs your entire body. Your mindset runs your cell health. Okay, yes. as well with people with trauma cannot digest certain foods as well. Tell me that’s not biophysical. Okay? met the mind dictates so much that goes on in your body and your relationships. And the way that you act, the way that you think the people you come in contact with your mind dictates everything. So you tell me that that doesn’t work. I’m gonna tell you, you’re crazy.

EF 19:31
It’s every decision. You’re making every cell in your body that does this and people ought to have time to meditate. I’m like, what the FS are you doing with your? Yeah, the reason why people say I don’t have time to meditate is usually because they’re trying tools that were designed for monks and not for people like us, not for people with busy minds and busy lives. And I think it’s a really important distinction because I’m sure people listen to us. They’re entrepreneurs. They’re biohackers they’re parents. It’s like, Girl, I do not have 15 two extra minutes in my day, I’m like, Well, first, let me see your cell phone. How many hours a day? Are you on social media? Second, the type of meditation that you’re doing matters, okay? Because if you’re just doing an app and like you’re doing 10 minutes of guided visualization, that’s fine. It’s good. It’s good at creating a state change, of like, Oh, I was stressed. I did 10 minutes of breathing. I feel better in the now. But we’re Ziva is really special, not only for parents, but also for kids, is that we’re handling not only the stress from today, but all our stress from the past. Yes, that stuff that has toxified and it is slowing down ourselves. Yeah. Because here’s the harsh reality. Stress makes us stupid, sick and slow. Right. And so the older we get, the more stressed we are, and then it just we get more and more bogged down. So the magic sauce of Ziva is that we’re actually D exciting, the nervous system, you d excite something, you create order. And when you create order in your body, this lifetime of accumulated stress can start to come up and out. So you are in fact healing on a cellular level. And when you mentioned digestion earlier, and like oh, people of trauma can’t digest foods. One of the number one surprising benefits that people report back to me when they do Ziva online is like, Oh, my IBS is gone. No, I’ve never had IBS. I’ve never talked about it. It’s nowhere on my website, I don’t make a claim anywhere. And we’ve had this a crazy percentage of people say their IBS, because we know IBS, irritable bowel syndrome. Yeah. When you’re stressed, you have too much adrenaline and cortisol, which are acidic stress hormones, and then your digestion gets too acidic. And that inflammation can lead to all sorts of digestive problems or sort of skin issues, all sort of joint issues. And then over long term cognitive issues. So anyway, the point of the story is Ziva is not just about feeling good for a few minutes, it is actually healing you, it’s creating a treat to change, not just a state change. Yeah. And then with the manifesting, which is the third thing that we teach for kids and adults, this is basically just reminding ourselves and our children, that we can get our hands on the wheel of our life that we can consciously create a life that we love, and kids are so they’re already in beta state, like their prefrontal cortex is not fully developed yet, which is actually a real pro when it comes to learning meditation, because they don’t have as many layers of the cognitive mind to move through to get to that space of pure being. Children are already quite naturally there. And so the idea was even kids is that we want to just let them know, just remind them that they can turn inside for their bliss and fulfillment. And help them to keep curating that connection, as the prefrontal cortex develops, so that they don’t lose that connection to source that connection to their own intuition.

SD 22:29
Oh, that’s so good. I love stupid, sick and slow. Why would why would you do Ziva because you want to be less stupid, less sick and less slow. That’s so good. Because so I think one of my missions in life, in addition to all the kid work, and the happy and all this stuff, is educating people on stress, I think is probably where I’m going. I’ve This is so dear to my heart. And I feel like stress is kind of like gravity. Like it’s there, where we’ve proven it. We know gravity is real, you can’t see it. But you can’t see it right away. But until an apple hits you in the head, or, you know, you drop a hammer, and it smashes your toe, or just like stretch it away and you start floating

Unknown Speaker 23:17
through your life. That’s right.

SD 23:19
Yeah. And I feel like stress is one of those things that people can’t see until it like, creeps up and ruins them. And you know, people

EF 23:28
are they started even meditation. They’re like, I didn’t know life could be so good.

SD 23:32
That’s right. Or they’ve they’ve been having 500 pounds on their back for their whole life. And they didn’t realize that realize that that weight that gravity was on them that they didn’t even see it before. They thought, Oh, I got a good night’s sleep. It’s like, Well, okay, a good night’s sleep is great for being able to make it through one more day. But have you dealt with something that went on in your life? 30 years ago? Yes. No, you haven’t. And I have this in my own body and my own life. I feel it in my gut. You know, I feel being an entrepreneur, and really feeling the stress. Like you get a lot of stress. If you’re a parent of young kids. You know what I’m talking about? kids that don’t sleep for a week. You’re feeling like hell, you feel like this the end of the world, okay. Yeah, a business that’s like tight on cash and trying to pay dozens and dozens of people. That is a very stressful state. And you can’t just tell me that good night’s sleep is going to solve that problem. That’s something that needs a lot of help and a lot of work. And people just pack it deep down, like rub some dirt on it. I hate this idea of where people just like yeah, I’ll just get the gut through it. I’m a bulldog. I have so many friends that are like that.

EF 24:38
Now, I’m dead. You’re like Oreo rest. We’re in the hospital. Yeah, surgery,

SD 24:43
or he’ll just die early, I guess. Give me one.

Unknown Speaker 24:46
But yeah, early death date.

SD 24:50
I love I love this. And I know that you work on performance meditation, right? You one of the biggest things that you’re helping people with is being The opposite of like a monk like checking out from the world, you’re actually helping people meditate to engage in the world and have balance in the midst of the world, right?

EF 25:09
Yes, that’s exactly right. So this is I think a really important distinction is this because the word meditation because meditation is getting so popular, it’s really important, we start to be more specific with our vocabulary. Because if you just call everything meditation, it’s like, well, should I be focusing? Should I be breathing? Should I be clearing my mind? Should I be napping? Like, what is it? And it’s just like food, you know, there’s a million things that we call food. But eating a cheeseburger is very different than drinking a green smoothie. Right? But both food sports, okay, football is quite a different sport from golf. But they’re both sports. Well, same thing with meditation. They’re that different. And not the same. Of course, all of them are moving you towards the most amazing version of you, hopefully. But a big important distinction is some were originally designed for monks. And some were originally designed for people like us, people with busy minds and busy lives. And this is really I found this really interesting, because we all assume that whatever the monks are doing must be the really powerful stuff. Like oh, the monks are the ones, right? They’re like vibrating and levitating. Yeah, actually, the other way around. Monks can meditate all day, they don’t have kids, they don’t have jobs, their contribution to society is to sit in silence. They’re purifying consciousness in a different way. For people like us entrepreneurs with kids, we have less time in the day with which to meditate. So you actually want a technique or a tool that is more powerful, a tool that’s going to help you change your state of consciousness, do excite your nervous system very effectively and very efficiently, so that you can show up as the most amazing version of you. So you can be a better parent, a better entrepreneur, a better lover, a better writer, whatever it is you’re doing in the world. And so this is why Ziva is why the return on investment is so big with Ziva because you’re not spending 15 minutes, you’re investing 15 minutes. And for that 15 minute investment, you will get back hours of ROI, you will get back hours of productivity hours of less needed sleep days of getting sick less months of better decisions, lifetimes of better relationships. And this is really the point right? Like this will be on my tombstone. we meditate to get good at life. Not to get good at meditation.

SD 27:12
Yeah. Oh, that’s so good. That’s that is, uh, I don’t think I’ve ever heard the distinction like that. Because, you know, I think everyone does think you know, Jay Shetty is, you know, he’s a think like a monk, think like a monk. Right? Like, no.

EF 27:27
I mean, I’m not trying to diss on Jay. But it’s just like, it’s just a different deal, right? We’re just we need to understand that there are different lineages and they do different things. Yeah. Whereas monastic meditation is very good at focusing and concentrating. But this is also why a lot of people feel like meditation failures, because they’re like, Oh, I can’t clear my mind. I’m having too many thoughts. I’m a DD I can’t sit still. I’m like, Well, have you ever had any training? No. What do you what technique you’re using? Well, just a mindfulness app. Mindfulness is derivative of a monastic style of meditation. Right? Even though he was super entertaining, even though it’s based on something that’s 6000 years old, it was made for what we would call householders.

SD 28:05
Yeah, you’re not out by yourself in the heat in a cave for your entire life. Yeah, it’s it. That is, that’s a great distinction, because I think a lot of people think about meditation as, Oh, that’s a great thing to do on spa day, when I’m like three months from now, when I’m going to get my life somehow finish all my tasks and get a day off, because I’m so exhausted, I need to rest Oh, I’ll meditate that day. Because they put it in their mind of like, oh, when I get a salt scrub or manicure or you know, for guys, it’s like when I go golfing, or try to do like, a massage, you know, get a massage, because my lower back is really sore from something. That’s when I’ll try to get myself right. It’s like, no, that’s not going to do anything. Because by that time, you’re already in reactive mode. You’re already like, so far gone. You’re just trying to recuperate. Yeah, that’s very different than performance meditation, you’re talking about like regular life, meditation needs to become a daily habit for it to be effective. I

EF 28:56
think. It’s just like the coffee you drank last week is not going to give you energy today. The meditation you did last time you went to a spa is not going to help your mental performance today. But I think the reason why people put it in the cute pedicure category is that so far, because most of what people are doing is like, Oh, yeah, I downloaded a free app. I did it a few times. It was nice. It didn’t change my life. Right? And if you’re not getting an ROI, your most valuable resource which is your time, why would you do it again? Yeah, like no one has time to waste no one has time to even I would argue spend we all have time to invest. Yeah,

SD 29:32
yeah. Now it’s like saying I I watched a sport, but it was cricket and I didn’t like cricket so I don’t like sports anymore. There’s like 50 other sports that are way cooler in my opinion and cricket. Okay, maybe not. If you’re listening to sorry if you love cricket, I apologize. It’s it’s huge in Asia. It’s huge in UK. Sorry about the cricket people. I don’t even know all the rules of cricket. Okay. But I love football. You know, I love basketball. I love even watching soccer or football, everybody watching around the world. So that’s the idea here is I think you do need training. You do need, you know, you’re peeling off layers like you’re literally you’re dealing with a lot of things. That’s why people go to counselors.

EF 30:15
Yeah. And so a couple of distinctions here one, like the different thing like Ziva and Anna in therapy is a therapy is more like an operating system upgrade, right? It’s changing your operating system or your lens through which you see the world awesome. It’s like software upgrade. Ziva is really defragging your brain computer. Right? You’re healing things on a cellular level, you’re rewiring like changing your actual physical physiology, strengthening the corpus callosum increasing neural plasticity. And so that’s like a hardware upgrade. Right, like defragging, like I said, the brain. Yeah. That’s good. Interesting, interesting distinction of therapy and that, and, yeah,

SD 30:51
okay, that’s awesome. I think this is, I mean, I know we’re at the end of our time, but you just made like, 20 truth bombs. And I think this is this is probably one of those valuables podcast I’ve had because I know that stress and anxiety and mental health are so close to my heart that this is probably for me. Like the first gateway, I’m going to be launching Ziva, for everyone listening, I’m doing Ziva on my own starting the preview program, the 15 minutes a day to start that program. I believe in a week and a half, I will be I’ll be starting and I can’t wait to share

EF 31:28
the challenge, right? Yes,

SD 31:30
it’s going to be one of the central parts of it. I mean, I’ve got to get my rhythms, right. And I’ve got to get my mind set up to be able to then attack what’s going on in my life. Right. I think this is sort of like, it’s like he’s kind of said it’s the the defrag it’s plumbing, it’s I got to get this right first. So it’s the first thing on my list. I’m doing a for 40 years of Zen, I’m doing it before a lot of the quick I’m doing like speed reading. And I’m doing like all these like mental work and manifestation journals and all these really cool things. But This to me is going to be kind of like step one. And so I can’t

EF 32:04
wait about it. Because this is really kind of mother skill. And Ziva, specifically, it’s like you accessing source energy, it’s you reminding yourself that you are nature, right? That you are connected to everyone and everything. And it’s going to strengthen and fortify all the other healthy habits because it’s getting you out of fight or flight. So I’m so excited to see how your body data changes. And just to let people know a little bit about how the course works, that you’re about to move through. So it’s about 15 minutes a day for 15 days. And the idea is that at the end of that training, you’re going to have these skills, this mindfulness meditation in the manifesting, which is the ZIVA method, you’re going to have that to take with you for life. You don’t need me or an app, or a dude playing drums on your chest, or like incense or finger cymbals in order to meditate. It’s like, No, you just close your eyes and go, and you could even do this while you’re wearing, you’re happy. You could do it doing the calm setting. Like they’re really beautiful together. And that way,

Unknown Speaker 32:55

Unknown Speaker 32:56
That’s what I’m gonna do.

EF 32:57
But the idea is that you’re self sufficient. So if you’re on a plane, your kids screaming in the next room, your phone’s dead, you don’t have to go to technology to unplug,

SD 33:06
right, or a meeting. But before a huge before huge sales meeting before a board meeting before a big call, like, that’s where I feel like I need to get, I need to get centered, I need to get clear, I need to be at peace and be ready. That I think for me is that’s what I’m excited about. Because that’s you set this up for people to then after it’s over, feel like, I’m ready to go. I actually have a tool for life now. And a lot of times people pay for programs that like, Oh, I have to be I have to do this forever. You know,

EF 33:35
right. And it’s not an addiction model. It’s like, into self sufficiency. And then if you start now, you’re going to be like through the detox and ready to really support your kids. It’s come out which is in February.

SD 33:46
I love it. I love it. Okay. Well, thank you so much again, it’s Ziva meditation, that ZI v a meditation.com, slash kids and then slash preview for everybody to get their first three days for free. Go there. Now if you’re listening. And Emily, thank you so much for this. It was a great conversation.

Unknown Speaker 34:04
Really? A joy.

EF 34:06
I’m so excited to know you. I love that our missions are so aligned.

SD 34:10
Oh, thanks. I 100%. They are and it’s I can’t wait to see all the stuff we’re doing together. Whereas like 10 things we’re working on. It’s great. Okay, thanks, everybody. And we will see you next time on the podcast. Take care.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


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