MyFirstSale Launches First Children’s Business Fair

MyFirstSale is proud to announce the success of our very first children’s business fair. The Arizona Children’s Business Fair 2020 took place virtually on the MyFirstSale platform on November 21.

The Arizona Children’s Business Fair was sponsored by Acton Academy Phoenix. More than 20 kids participated in this landmark children’s business fair. The fair generated over $2,500 in total sales.

Some of the kid business owners include:

  • Ben of Roasted who sells fresh roasted coffee with the goal of learning business
  • JayLeigh of Chimes of Art who sells handmade chimes with the goal of purchasing Christmas gifts for her family
  • Armaan of Actilab who sells science activity kits with the goal of reinvesting
  • Lauren and Riley of One Stop Hanukkah Shop who sell Hanukkah candles with the goal of earning spending money
  • Austin and Nick of Mallow Mania who sell marshmallow blow guns with the goal of saving and donating
  • And many more!

Other children’s business fairs organized by MyFirstSale coming up soon are the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) Empowered Arizona Families Children’s Business Fair and the Acton Academy El Salvador Children’s Business Fair.

Are you interested in hosting a children’s business fair with your school, group, club, or organization? We’re excited to work with you! Go here for more information.

It’s not too late to support the kid business owners of the Arizona Children’s Business Fair 2020! You can see their store pages and their awesome products here.

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