There’s a lot of kids who have issues with school and going through the “assembly line” education system. Maybe they don’t really like to read or they don’t thrive doing classic assignments. Maybe they have ADHD or bipolar or other learning issues. Well, those kids actually would make amazing entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship lets a kid find what they love and what they’re good at and really turn that passion into a lifelong career.
Forget grades. Find passion. If a kid finds passion, they’re going to learn all the other stuff that’s needed to succeed in life. I only learned to draw so I could win a drawing competition to get out of school and go to the arts center in first grade. I only learned to read so I could research the best playing cards to get and be equipped to win. And I only learned to write well so I could write up a marketing sheet for the origami I sold as a kid. That’s the stuff people learn when they find passion.
There’s so many opportunities kids are missing when they’re only encouraged to be doctors, lawyers, and scientists. Kids have astonishing vision and dreams that may get crushed when we force them to study what they’re not good at instead of cultivating their passions.
What parents don’t realize is there are some major gaps in the education system that need to be filled. MyFirstSale closes those gaps by teaching kids to find what they’re good at, what they love to do, what gives them joy, and what puts them in a flow state—and then gives them unparalleled opportunities to get involved in business for kids.
“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein
MyFirstSale is the perfect answer to Einstein’s famous quote. We unlock that genius by showing kids how to sell, how to be creative, how to save money, how to never give up, how to lead others, how to see solutions, and so much more.
If your child might struggle with traditional education, it could mean they will thrive as an entrepreneur. Let’s grade kids not only on how they do in school, but also on stuff that actually matters for their adulthood and their future—unlocking their genius.